The Inquirer hat mal wieder ein Gerücht ausgegraben, das Wellen schlägt. Demnach plane Sun Microsystems offenbar, künftige Rechner mit dem kommenden AMD Opteron Prozessor auszustatten, AMDs 64-Bit Boliden mit dem Codenamen Sledgehammer. Die Information soll unmittelbar von Sun selbst stammen:
And it's certainly not anything to do with the fact that Sun and Intel are to love and marriage like arsenic and lace. Nor is it because Scott McNealy wants to stick one to Michael Dell and his famous corporation. And it's nothing to do with the fact that Sun doesn't like Microsoft very much. As for Compaq and HP - never mind the flailing Big Blue, well they don't come into Sun's calculations. So it's nothing to do with that. No. It's for all of these reasons. And also because the Opteron chip seems to perform very well under tests carried out in the locale of Sun's HQ.
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