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Sonntag, 3. Oktober 2004

13:03 - Autor: Patmaniac

Omega Treiber 2.5.90 für ATI-Karten

Es gibt wieder neue Treiber von OmegaDrivers für ATIs Radeon-Reihe und basieren auf dem Beta Catalyst 8.07. Eine höhere Performance, eine verbesserte Bildqualität und Stabilität sollen die Treiber gegenüber den originalen Catalyst-Treibern von ATI bieten. Hier der Changelog:

    -Fixed Radlinker installation issues, now it should give NO errors.
    -Updated the Advanced 3D control panel to include Color/Gamma settings, so I disabled the normal ATI Color tab.
    -Enabled WMV hardware acceleration.
    -Fixed a bug with some Radeon cards (mostly 8500 and 9000) which caused texture corruption in some 3D games/applications. Thanks to lockves for the tip.
    -Fixed a few install/uninstall issues which caused some old settings to stay in the registry even after installing/uninstalling the drivers.
    -Enabled Geometry Instancing in supported cards (R300 and up).
    -Enabled AI support without the need to use or install CCC.
    -The Advanced 3D Control Panel has changed, now both D3D and OGL settings are applied using Global controls in the 3D tab, and specific D3D and OGL settings have been moved to the Options tab. This was the only way to add AI support to the drivers.
    -Found the cause of the laptop video playback problem, see note #1 for the fix.
Download: Omega Treiber für ATI-Karten v.2.5.90 Win2k/XP

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