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Mittwoch, 24. November 2004

21:10 - Autor: Nero24

Ultimate Boot Disc 3.0

Seit dem 3. November 2004 ist die Ultimate Boot CD in der Version 3.0 verfügbar. Es gibt jetzt eine Basic und eine Full Version. Die beliebte Toolsammlung ist um viele praktische Dinge erweitert und aktualisiert worden.
    "Ultimate Boot CD Ver 3.0 is finally ready for public consumption! For the first time ever, UBCD is now available in two versions: Basic and Full. The full version contains a customized version of INSERT (Inside Security Rescue Toolkit), a mini Linux distribution adapted specially by Charles Appel for the UBCD. The FreeDOS boot disk that powers many of the DOS applications on the UBCD has also undergone a major revamp, thanks to the work of Erwin Veermans, so hopefully we will get less reports of invalid opcodes. The new FreeDOS boot disk also detects and mounts USB devices automatically. Please read the version history for more information on this latest release. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the project and made this release possible!"
  • Ultimate Boot Disc 3.0 Full Zip 142 MB (ED2K-HTTP)
  • Ultimate Boot Disc 3.0 Basic und Full (Mirrors)

  • THX gruenmuckel für den Hinweis

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