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Dienstag, 15. Mai 2007

23:27 - Autor: cruger

NVIDIA ForceWare 158.43 Beta für Windows Vista

Gerade erst hat NVIDIA mit dem ForceWare 158.42 einen ausschließlich für Karten der GeForce 8800 Serie geeigneten Beta-Treiber veröffentlicht (wir berichteten), so steht jetzt mit dem ForceWare 158.43 ein weiterer offizieller Beta-Treiber zum Download bereit, der nun auch die GeForce Modelle 8600, 8500, 8400 und 8300 unterstützt. Einblick in Veränderungen und behobene Probleme geben die Release-Notes.
Release Highlights
  • Add support for GeForce 8600, 8500, 8400, and 8300 GPUs.
  • Improved 3D performance for single GPU and NVIDIA SLI
  • Add support for NVIDIA SLI on DirectX 10
  • Numerous game and application compatibility fixes (see below for some of the top issues)
  • This driver supports the following 3D features:
    • Single GPU support
      • DirectX 9 support for GeForce 6/7/8 series GPUs
      • DirectX 10 support for GeForce 8 series GPUs
      • OpenGL support for GeForce 6/7/8 series GPUs
    • NVIDIA SLI support
      • DirectX 9 support for GeForce 6/7/8 series GPUs
      • DirectX 10 support for 8 series GPUs
      • OpenGL support for GeForce 6/7/8 series GPUs
  • If you would like to be notified of upcoming drivers for Windows Vista, please subscribe to the newsletter.
  • Please read the release notes for more information on product support, feature limitations, and known compatibility issues.
Products Supported
  • GeForce 8300 GS
  • GeForce 8400 GS
  • GeForce 8500 GT
  • GeForce 8600 GT
  • GeForce 8600 GTS
  • GeForce 8800 GTX
  • GeForce 8800 GTS
  • GeForce 8800 Ultra
NVIDIA is committed to supporting Microsoft Windows Vista on current and previous GPU generations. It's important to us that you have an excellent experience through the Vista transition, and driver development is the highest priority in our company.

We are working diligently to make sure we achieve and maintain the level of driver quality and reliability that NVIDIA is known for. Over the coming weeks NVIDIA and our partners, along with the industry, will continue to update Windows Vista drivers to ensure maximum performance on 3D applications and add feature support.

For those of you that are using Windows Vista and experiencing any problems, we've set up a website for bug reporting – Our product managers will be reviewing this information daily and will be contacting users to help resolve any issues they might be experiencing.

These NVIDA Windows Vista drivers are under development. This version is not fully optimized for full 3D performance and may not include all available features available on different operating systems. NVIDIA, along with the industry, is continuing to update its Windows Vista drivers to ensure maximum performance on 3D applications and add support for features. These drivers are provided "AS IS." NVIDIA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHATSOVER AS TO MERCHANTABILITY, COMPATABILITY, PERFORMANCE, APPLICATION OR FUNCTION, AND DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW.
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